Our Values
We will lead the way with irrational generosity.
We truly believe it is more blessed to give than to receive.
We always bring our best.
Excellence honors God and inspires people.
We are faith-filled, big thinking, risk takers.
Excellence honors God and inspires people.
We are committed to staying relevant even if it means changing at times.
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not snap.
We are committed to providing opportunities for relationship building.
We know life change occurs best in a small group of people doing life together.
We will be authentic in order to reach people who don’t know Christ.
To reach people no one is reaching, we’ll have to be real with where we’ve been and what God’s done to transform us. We’re not a group of perfect people, we are a group of people being perfected.
We are spiritual contributors not spiritual consumers.
The church does not exist for us. We are the church and we exist for the world.
It’s all about Jesus.
It always has been and always will be.
We believe the local church is the hope of the world.
We believe church is amazing. The church is God’s rescue plan for humanity and a place to introduce them to Jesus. Around here, we have a heart for building God’s House.