Awana at Cap City

Every Wednesday @7pm

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Awana clubs are offered to children starting at 3 years old, to kids through 5th grade. All 3 of our clubs have a uniformed vest or shirt on which kids can earn emblems and awards for attendance, workbook lessons, and Bible memory verses. Our fun worship songs, games, and teaching plans create a welcoming and safe space for our kids to learn and grow together!

Cubbies Club (age 3-Pre-K)

Our Cubbies Club begins to open up the spiritual potential of preschoolers by cultivating respect for God, His Son, and His Word. Cubbies is a fun, friendly place to learn about God's greatness.

Sparks Club (K-2nd grade)

Our Sparks Club starts to ignite kids' curiosity about the Bible, and begins to build a foundation of wisdom for a lifetime of knowing Christ.

T&T Club (3rd - 5th grade)

Our T&T Club focuses on the basics of Christian faith, and guiding kids to a deeper understanding of God's grace by engaging in biblical and relational discipleship and class discussions.